Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Thanks for the Memories...

This is it. This is all that was left at the end of the day when we completed the Diva by Diva extravaganza. It's hard to believe that just hours before this picture was taking the JCC was a buzz of energy and the cheers of adoring fans.

I'm feeling a little like this theatre today....a bit empty. We've spent the last two weeks intensively working to put on this show and now it's done....all just a memory. I think I was a little off today because of it. A bit of a post production blues. I guess it makes sense when you think about it. I'll blog more later about the experience, it was probably my favorite show preparation and performance. I am really amazed how much everyone put into this show ~ it was a labor of love for all involved. There are always going to be heightened reactions and jitters before the show ~ but overall it was a true testament to the power of the Chorus as an entity bigger than any one member. A real family affair...and we all know that all families are dysfunctional to some degree :)
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Dany said...

you feel empty, because you don't eat enough maybe? :-)

normanrey said...

It's Friday now and I'm still in withdrawal. It was a great show. :-)