Friday, August 3, 2007

The Diva by Diva Experience

It's hard to believe it's all over. I mentioned the empty feeling that I had when I wrote my last entry ~ so I figured I would take a minute to capture my favorite parts of this experience before they start to fade from memory...actually come to think of it things are starting to become a blur already :)

I really enjoyed this show and will go as far as to say that it was my favorite. While it was the most work ~ it was also the most rewarding. So here in no particular order are some of the things that I loved about this season....

- As you will see in the pix on the right ~ there were smiles to be had everywhere. Not just during the performance but throughout the season. Now I'm sure there were lots of different meaning and reasons behind the smiles and laughter (and I'm sure some were smirks) but the reasons ranged from...I can't believe we are going to simulate humping on stage (the nervous smile/laugh), the I finally figured out how to do the arm twist in vogue without bruising myself or others (I'm so proud smile), we've sold how many tickets going into tech week? (I'm going to smile so I don't cry if we sing and dance to the sound of crickets in the audience), and the you can go fuck yourself giggle (no explanation needed).

This was definitely the most choreography we've had in a show that I've done. I'm really proud of everyone. People really gave it there all, coming in early, practicing at home and generally keeping up a really great attitude. I loved the Andrews Sisters and the Supremes. Charlie, Yudi and Travis did a great job and Joey did a wonderful job with the choreography. My favorites for choreography that we did were the Cher/Madonna and Donna Summer sets. Although now that I think about it, I really enjoyed Divas of the Stage as well. The set I thought was the hardest to memorize choreography wise was the Divas of Soul. I got it down, but damn, how many times did we turn in that medley.

My actual favorite move was in the show was during the Supremes when we did the windmill move in "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" ~ I think I knocked out a few chorus members when doing that move, I was like, bitches I don't care who's behind me ~ my arms are coming your way...hee hee.

Everyone in the audience seemed to really love the show as well. Derek couldn't even think of a snide comment. I think the audience could tell how much we enjoyed doing it. I can't wait to see the video, it will be funny if it looks like crap after all this raving and patting ourselves on the back.

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