Saturday, August 18, 2007

Surfs Up...

Spent a beautiful day at the beach. It was just what I needed. I packed a cooler, brought my book (Dracula), music, a book on meditation (which is very interesting), and the Fall Preview Edition of Entertainment Weekly magazine. Look out Coronado, I was ready for a relaxing day at the beach. Also, the parking Gods were good to me and I found a decent spot, what more could you ask for.

It was really hot so the water felt amazingly refreshing. At one point I came back from the water and I just sat there and savored how lucky I am to live in such an amazing place. I wanted to anchor that amazing feeling and really connect it with all 5 senses. I had the touch of the water on my body and the sand between my toes, the breathtaking site of the beach with a beautiful sailboat off the shore, the sound of laughter and idle chatter and the crashing of the waves, the taste of the salt water, and the smell of the ocean air. It was really cool to consciously take a few minutes and drink in all of those sensations. I stayed at the beach for a few hours and it was perfect, I love days like that.

I had a good Friday night as well. Michael Todd organized an outing to listen to a swing band at an outdoor concert at the Trolley Park in University Heights. We each brought something to share (including wine). Michael Todd brought Monroe with him also (his dog). It was very crowded but we set out blankets and staked our claim on a good area. Este and Scott were also there, which was nice because I haven't seen them in forever. I really like them. Este is one of those people who seems so naturally cool. She was wearing this really cute Audrey Hepburnesque sun dress with her pixie haircut and these over sized black sunglasses. She definitely has the Euro chic thing down (it helps that she's from Spain :) They had a friend named Amy with them and she was really fun as well. Ralph was also there. This was his first outing since the surgery. It was really good to see him. He looks good and says the operation was a success. He brought his Mother, sister and brother in law and his nephew and niece. MT also had some other friends stop by for a bit. We stayed for a few hours (we were among the last to leave, the concert having been over for at least an hour). It was a fun time with good food, friends and spirits.

It was about 9pm when we all headed our separate ways. I went over to Bourbon for a bit. It was early and so I thought I would check it out. It was pretty crowded and wasn't overrun with Lesbians so that was good. Of course I went over to buy my drink and visit with Tyler. He's such a cutie (and Mito, he is MINE! :) ) It's funny, he said something about me being lean and I said yeah but I'm scrappy and I put up my fists. He replied that he liked scrappy and acted as if he was going to box with me. I like that word scrappy.....but I digress.

I ran into Asiah and Erik Swanson and a few of their friends but that was about it. I also ran into this guy named Jack that I had met through Mark when I first moved out here. He approached me and we chatted, I wasn't sure if he would remember me. I always felt like I had a little unfinished business with him.

I had met him at a party with Mark. He was very friendly and I thought he was cute ~ he's probably Mark's age, so he's in his late 40s I would guess. Well nothing happened at the party but I must have mentioned that I worked at the Warner Brothers store in UTC because the next time I went into work, they said a gentleman had been in that morning asking about me and had left a card (greeting card, not business card). It was a sweet card and he asked me out and gave me his number in it. I was touched and thought it was sweet...and never called him!! That was a really weird time for me, I was definitely at an all time low and was just coming to terms with my sexuality and coming out. I totally panicked and so I never called. I always felt bad about that.

He actually mentioned it last night and I got my chance to say sorry and to let him know how sweet I had thought it was and that I thought it was very charming. He seemed happy to hear the effect the card had on me. I felt like I had brought closure to the situation and we had come full circle.

I chatted with him for a while. It turns out he is going through a pretty rough patch right now. He and his partner of 3 years broke up and there is a house involved. I don't know what else is going on but he definitely seemed a bit in turmoil. I felt like our roles were completely reversed from when I met him. It made me realize how much I've evolved over the last 8 years, not better than I was before, just a realization that I have grown in so many ways since this California adventure began.


Dany said...

and of course having a wonderful roommate helps tremendously. Hope your Sunday is as great as today. :-)

El Mito said...

Hmmm... I didn't see your "branding" matk on his no, he is not your yet. :)