Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Simpsons Movie....

One of the funniest parts of the movie is the entire rant that Homer does in the beginning of the movie ~ posing the question to the audience, "What idiot would go to the movies and pay to see something they can watch on TV for free??" For such a clueless idiot, Homer poses a great question. And that is just part of the Simpson's wit. Go anywhere, make fun of anything and do it all tongue in cheek.

I went to see the movie last night with Daniel and Mito. It wasn't a movie that I was rushing out to see, but my other choice was Harry Potter and I hadn't seen Parts 2 - 28 yet, so I thought the Simpsons was a safer bet.

Was the movie great? no, but it was very entertaining and each of us laughed out loud through out the movie. Could it wait for video, absolutely, and I bummed that I saw it in the movies, not at all.

One thing that I do admire is that these characters have become such a part of our national identity that you feel like they are real. Their personalities are so developed and you can actually care for them...and while they are cartoons, they emote more emotion than a lot of the living plastic in Hollywood.

So cheers to you Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Santa's Little Helper and Spider Pig I enjoyed spending time with you the other night.

1 comment:

El Mito said...

Spider Pig Spider Pig... watch comes the spider pig.
I was watiting for your review... Phew... if it were bad I would've sent you the BOOB LADY.