Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bourne again...

and again and again. It's the end of a relaxing weekend and Daniel and I just got back from the movies. We went to see The Bourne Ultimatum. I actually stayed in on Friday night and watched The Bourne Identity and then stayed in on Saturday night and watch The Bourne Supremacy. They were all good. I think I liked the first one the best, then three and lastly two ~ although I was pleased with all three of them. Definitely a good combination of action and actual plot. I would call them the thinking man's action movies.

I needed a relaxing weekend after the last few weeks. I felt productive because I washed my car, cleaned the kitchen and did laundry, but I also had a lot of down time in there. I took a walk through Hillcrest yesterday and it was just nice to wander around without an agenda and spend some time by myself.

Today when I was sitting outside in the sun and reading a book I experienced one of the true joys of summer. One I can't remember experiencing for years. I ate the most delicious piece of watermelon right off the rind. It was juicy and messy and the juice ran down my face and hands and I didn't care! It felt like one of those carefree moments from childhood. I realized how neat and orderly I usually am and it felt good to throw all caution to the wind (I'm talking like I did some daredevil act :) and just enjoy the moment and not care about the mess.

I'm feeling a bit sleepy so I'll probably hit the hay soon. Today is the start of another week ~

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