Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lounging by the pool.....

During the week, Finola and I decided to spend Sunday together. I always enjoy when we do that. It a great time to play things by ear and see where the day takes us. I woke up early today~ 7am to be exact (after all I went to bed at 10pm last night). I decided I wasn't in the mood to go to church today ~ I hope all my sinner friends weren't too bad this week because I didn't get to pray for them :) I went for a run and then did my shopping, so I was ready to make plans with Finola by 10:30. We decided to just hang at her place and either play tennis or sit by the pool.

We sat inside the house for about an hour ~ each filling each other in on the events of the last week (I've realized I should just give her my blog address). After that we had a nutritious Finola meal....ruffles & onion dip with a choice of Mallowmar or Stella Dora cookies for dessert.

After our feast we decided to hit the pool. It was beautiful out and I still love the fact that you can lounge by the pool as if it is mid-summer in early October (I will always love that about CA). It was really great to be able to just hang and chat. We can, and always seem to, cover topics from the ridiculous (Britney Spears and who's sleeping with who in Hollywood) to deep thoughts about our beliefs and goals in life.

Finola has definitely come to terms with the fact that she will be moving home. She seems to be in a good place about it. It's interesting because she came to that place when she stopped thinking about her stance on it and tried to put herself in her sister and mothers place. I was most intregued that she was able to see it from Ann's perspective, because she used to always blame Ann in a way for why her mother wouldn't move out here. While I'm so sad that she will be leaving, I do believe it is the best thing for her. She has never truly settled in CA and never would as long as she was far from ma. As I said to her "Little Noni is growing up". I don't think I'm really comprehending what that move will mean to me. I'm sure it is going to be a big loss. With Finola here I feel like I have a link to my past with me ~ it's nice to have a piece of home and someone who "knew me when..."

It's interesting how this whole idea of change just keeps popping up lately.....I'm sure it's a sign from the universe to just deal with it. My first reaction is to want to hold on and resist change, but as we know that just doesn't happen.

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