Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Thanks for the Memories...

This is it. This is all that was left at the end of the day when we completed the Diva by Diva extravaganza. It's hard to believe that just hours before this picture was taking the JCC was a buzz of energy and the cheers of adoring fans.

I'm feeling a little like this theatre today....a bit empty. We've spent the last two weeks intensively working to put on this show and now it's done....all just a memory. I think I was a little off today because of it. A bit of a post production blues. I guess it makes sense when you think about it. I'll blog more later about the experience, it was probably my favorite show preparation and performance. I am really amazed how much everyone put into this show ~ it was a labor of love for all involved. There are always going to be heightened reactions and jitters before the show ~ but overall it was a true testament to the power of the Chorus as an entity bigger than any one member. A real family affair...and we all know that all families are dysfunctional to some degree :)
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Hairspray Review....

Lots to talk about regarding Pride and the Diva by Diva show, but it will take way too long to compose my thoughts this evening. I'm still tired from the show and want to make it an early night.

As part of my wind down, I took the day off and didn't do much and then I went to see Hairspray with Daniel, Michael, Norman and Mito. We went to the 5:30 showing at Fashion Valley...the only theatre that respectable gays go to (Michael wouldn't be caught dead at UltraStar! :)

I liked the movie. It wasn't great, but when I put together all of the elements that I liked, I would have to give it a thumbs up. It's cotton candy ~ good wholesome entertainment that had a nice message under its glossy veneer.

I loved the cast. Michelle Pfeifer is still a knockout after all these years. I think if I was straight she would be in my top five stars I would want as a wife (Jaclyn Smith will always be number one :) John Travolta did a good job. While watching previews I remember thinking he looked weird, but his performance was actually good enough that I forget that it was JT playing a woman and just enjoyed the character. Queen Latifah was very good as well. It's great to see what an all around star she has blossomed into. I was never a big fan of hers as a rapper (actually I can't even remember really hearing much of her rapping) but she has turned in some great performances as an actress ~ whether she is singing or not. The young cast was good as well ~ and James Marsten was dreamy as Corny Collins.

While it's a movie that can wait for video ~ although it's likable and I hope it does well at the box office. One bad musical and everyone can't wait to condemn the movie musical!!

Well, I'm off to bed. Back to work tomorrow and I'm tired....

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Everyone is Welcome At This Table...

Woke up pretty early again today ~ about 7:30am. I hadn't set my alarm last night, I thought if I was tired I would just sleep in and not go to Church. Even though I was up in plenty of time, I still contemplated not going. I have lots to do around the house...or just lounging around sounded great as well. After all, I did have a long day of rehearsal yesterday.

Instead of formulating a list of reasons why not to go, I decided it was less energy to just take a shower, throw on some clothes and go. Even as I sat in the pew, I was less than enthusiastic. I was waiting patiently for service to start, so it could quickly end. Then, much to my dismay, I saw the youth group buzzing around with beads and American Flags...which surely meant they were getting ready to entertain the congregation with something....oh the experience was going to get even better!! Not for nothing, sometimes it's painful to watch them do their skits and/or presentations ~ especially when in a mood like I was in today.

Bob came in. He's a friendly older gentleman who "the boys" have become friendly with at Church. Really nice man. Interesting, he never stays through the end of service, always ducking out before they serve communion. I need to ask him why someday.

Anyway, a bright spot shown through when Nita Sothern, a surly old firecracker made her way over to Bob to make small talk. I've never talked to her personally, I actually didn't even know her name, but I love when she is at service. If she has something to say, she says it...and don't try to treat her like a little old lady you are placating. Bob pleasantly asked Nita how she was doing and her reply was "To soon to tell and soon it will be too late to care". I loved that response! So much so that I grabbed an offering envelope and pencil and promptly wrote it down. I didn't know her name, so I asked Bob for it so I could give her credit for the quote that I'm sure I'll be using again someday :)

Anyway, the service started and the passage of the week had to do with Noah, the flood, and rebirth. It would tie in nicely with the youth group presentation regar,ding their trip to New Orleans for hurricane Katrina relief work. During children's moment (which is different from the youth group) they talked about the rainbow and how that was Gods promise to the people that there would never be a flood again. I don't know why, but that warmed my heart. I guess it was just such a pleasant thought, and the sentiment is true in life ~ no matter what your beliefs are. Their is always calm and a rainbow after the "storm", no matter how bad it may seem at the time.

I felt a bit like the Grinch when his heart starts to grow because I just started to be present with the fact that I was at Church, verses continuing to debate why I went this week. I decided to listen to and absorb what was happening verses staying stuck in my head.

Reverend Jill was preaching today and she talked about the trip and had 4 of the youth share parts of their experience. It was so touching and inspiring. The words and thoughts from the "mouths of babes" was pure and such a good reminder of all things good. It also made me happy that these preteens and teens were doing something to give back to others. It was nice to see this type of involvement from the youth and made me feel good about the future. Such a different vision than the poor kids being dragged around by the protesters at the game last week.

Two women from the congregation talked about some Jubliee celebration that was going on. It's to help pay off world debt for third world nations. They said that it was inspired by an old Hebrew ritual in the Bible. The ritual was that every seven years, debts were cleared for all so that people could get equal footing and have a chance in the world. I thought that was a great equalizing force, something so missing in today's society. It made me think that we should also do this with emotional baggage and debt. Wouldn't it help to free those who have done us wrong or who have pained us, every seven years (or less). Think about all the baggage we could get rid of if we did that with our negative energy and pent up frustrations. Why only do this with material debts, would that help solve some of the problems in the world. While very simplistic, if we all truly did that can you imagine how different things would be? Not only would it be a gift to others, it would also be a gift to ourselves.

As always. the service ended with communion. My favorite part of the service is when the preacher, whoever it is, always makes a point to make the following statement after they talk about the bread and the cup of wine. They always say that this table is open to everyone and they explain the process of dipping the bread in the wine and them joining in the closing circle. I love that inclusive nature. I love the fact that although it is old hat for 98% of the people in the room, they ALWAYS explain that it is open to all and go through the process. It would be so easy to just go through the motions, but they specifically make a point to include and educate everyone. That is just beautiful and to me encapsulates what being a Christian is all about.

They always play a song as the individuals line up to take communion and this week it was "I'm gonna eat at the welcome table" ~ so appropriate for all the feelings I was having today.

I left the service feeling much better. I had done my spiritual exercising for the week. It really was much like exercise ~ sometimes you don't want to do it, but you always feel better afterwards. Now they just need to serve something other than bread during the service because we all know that carbs are no good for you ~ even if they are spiritual carbs :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Tears on My Pillow...

I woke up abruptly at 6am this morning with tears streaming down my face. It wasn't just a tear or two rolling down my cheeks, definitely a river of tears. It reminded me of a child ~ the way the waterworks just pour down their face when they are upset, usually over something devastating like the fact that they can't have dessert :)

This is the second time in the past month that this has happened and both dreams were related to my parents. This one was really vivid. I was at my father's wake ~ not the actual one ~ definitely an environment that I've never seen before. There were all these people there and reporters and cameramen. I was wrapped up in my grief until I realized that they were doing an expose and taking information for a newscast.

I went crazy!! I went over and started screaming at cameramen and deleting their film and or grabbing tape recorders out of their hands. I'm sure I looked like Russell Crowe or Sean Penn, you know really in control of their emotions with the media. I finally gave up trying to battle all of them and just walked away and sank down into a pew and dissolved into my grief.

That's the moment I woke up. I just laid in bed and let the sadness wash over me for a while. It amazes me that after all this time I can have such intense dreams about my parents. It feels very unguarded when this happens because it wasn't like I was consciously thinking of my Dad or Mom before I went to bed the night before. The emotions are so strong and visceral that it doesn't feel like these are thoughts coming from my head, it feels like emotion just coming from my soul.

I went for a walk to get some money at the bank and feel better now and have shaken it off. I could get really depressed if I stay stuck in the anger of losing them or the emotions of not thinking it is fair, so I try to think "wow, what an impact these two people have had on my life that after all this time I can miss them so much and know that the love I feel for them still resonates so deeply in my core". Okay, that is going to make me cry again so I better come back to the shallow world of Diva by Diva and get ready for a long day of rehearsal.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Strike a Pose...or a Thousand!!

Okay, so after a busy week with things to do each evening, a date on Monday (more later), a sectional on Tuesday, practice on Wednesday, and an early dinner tonight with Jeff, I decided to be a good chorus boy and practice some of the choreography with the recordings that have been posted on line. Let me just say, there is a lot of choreography!! I consider myself semi-coordinated....I said semi and I'm trying to remember everything, I can't imagine how it's going to look when you add the total white boys from the Chorus!! The great thing is that the moves aren't too complicated; however, I think I pulled some muscles trying to figure out the "mirroring" effect on the videos. I can normally follow it, but when you start with your back to the camera and then turn and all of that is mirrored it can get a bit confusing to say the least.

All this and Norman and I haven't even gotten our '70s moves ready for the Donna Summer set!! I wonder if that choreography from Wednesday is going to pass Gary's grandmother test. Joey has definitely put a lot of thrusting in the show....I'll have to ask him how things are with his boyfriend, I'm thinking he has a lot of pent up energy...hee hee.

Well, I better put my leg warmers back on and start dancing like I've never danced before...MANIAC

Monday, July 9, 2007

Singing for Freedom

The previous post captured some of the images from our singing engagement at Petco Park. It was a great experience and the feeling of pride while walking on to the field to sing the National Anthem at a major league event is definitely one for the memoirs. I went to lunch with Norman, Alberto, Lyle and Mito and then drove down to the park at call time. As we approached the stadium we met the protesters. Individuals with red shirts with the slogan "Save our Kids" on them. You are always going to have narrow minded individuals so that part didn't bother me so much, what did bother me was to see them teaching their children to hate and discriminate. To see preteens handing out the information was appalling.

The great thing is the protesters were definitely in the minority and I am so grateful for the support that we were shown and the applause of the crowd. I am personally grateful and feel blessed to have so many amazing friends and family who sent me e-mails of encouragement and let me know how proud they were of what I was doing. It's funny how the most encouraging support can come from the most unexpected places. My sister Lynn called to wish me all best (which I totally expected) and then my brother in law Jeff got on the line and wished me well. In his stereotypical NY fashion he stated, "I don't know much about that lifestyle, but you got balls to stand up for yourself and I'm proud of you". If you don't get the idea of how that felt ~ picture Tony Soprano having an unexpected tender moment.

Even without the hoopla of protesters and supporters, singing behind second base at a national game would have been an amazing experience and I am thankful to have been part of such an exciting event.

Take me OUT to the ball game...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Goddess on a Mountain top...

Venus does it again.. I woke up at 6am this morning and had some Sex...and the City that is (an episode a day is great for you). After that I watched Venus Williams win her fourth Wimbledon title. I was hoping she would win. I was glad that I caught the match. I had wanted to see it and thought it was on at noon. I would have been bummed if I missed it. Sometimes, I love how things work out. I couldn't sleep, ended up waking up super early and because of that was able to catch the match I had wanted to see. Things happen for a reason :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I'm Here....

Aren't these flowers pretty. Just a reminder to stop and smell the flowers