Monday, September 3, 2007

Some like it hot....

but not me!! Okay, I'm not one to normally complain about the heat, but it is hotter than hell in our house. I've felt like one of those overheating dogs with their tongues hanging out all weekend. Even the flies are being affected by the heat. I felt like Mr. Miyagi today, a fly buzzed by and I swatted it out of the air, then another went by and I got him also. It's one of those things that you try to do, but you're grossed out if you actually get them.

It's going to be impossible to sleep tonight. I knew I should have gone out and hooked up with someone who has AC....just teasing.

Well, it was a nice weekend though, that's for sure. The great thing is tomorrow is Tuesday so we'll be rolling into the week already.

I wrapped up my stay at MT and Tim's house last night. It's funny because during the first few days I was thinking this place is very ostentatious and was being a bit judgmental and by day three, I'm like...yeah I can get used to this.

It was nice having Munro as a companion for the week. He's a cute dog and pretty low maintenance so that was cool. It's funny because he is totally not the dog you want around when you are reading a scary book and you hear the stairs creaking. Each night as I read Dracula in bed I would get a bit freaked out when I would hear strange noises. As I looked to Munro for comfort or support he was totally oblivious and just sat their licking himself. Having a deaf guard dog is not the way to go, that's for sure.

I was pretty much a slug all weekend. It was so hot that I would get exhausted just watching the US Open on TV. I'm hoping Venus can pull off another victory.

Okay, I'm going to try and go to bed now....let's hope I'm not up in an hour posting another blog because I can't sleep....

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